Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chapter 5: happy birthday Daddy and the Waitress with Dirty Teeth

32. I was born at 8:++ pm on the east coast of the US on April 18, 1979. As you all know the Philippines is a day ahead so technically April 18 here in PI is only 364 days since my previous birthday. So I tried explaining to my wife an in-laws that my real birthday was on the 19th here in PI which would make it the 18th back in the states. We argued about it and eventually decided that we were both right and I would have 2 birthdays this year- one on the calender day April 18, and one to officially mark the 1 year after 31. I'm right but I couldn't pass up 2 birthdays. So here is a picture of me about at 31 and 364 days old.

Pa took the Family to Carpacio, the best Italian restaurant in Manila. It was really good. It was the Gervasio, Arellano and Facciolo families. Sounds like good mob families names right! Mason was a handful and made sure the waitresses worked twice as hard to keep us happy and him out of trouble. He covered every square inch of the restaurant twice. He would not sit still and all 15 of us played hot potato with him.

Where is Waldo?

Robbie and Luis take their turn. Batang Lilaki's. That's young boys in Tagalog. I'm almost fluent. Now i just have to work on my english

Towards the end of dinner Mason had all the waitresses wrapped around his fingers...until he looked at one of them who had braces and said "Dirty teeth, Dirty Teeth!" He didn't know what they were so that's what he thought I guess. She was so embarrassed and ran away. All her co-workers laughed.

Heads of the Gervasio and Arellano Families. Don Tito Benj and Don Tito Arturo.

Lolo and Lola and the little man.

Who knows? Maybe we have a future bull rider in the family.

After the Birthday Dinner we went to watch Anna's cousin play their last gig before he left for Boston College of Music. Pa joined us young kids along with Tinchu's Mom and Dad. Tita Nina and Tito Nards are without a doubt the funniest Filipino's on the planet. Tito Nards had us laughing from start to finish and I tip my hat to Tita Nina for putting up with such a character. I was glad to meet them. Tinchu's Band stayed consistent with the way concerts go. We were told they started at 11pm but there were 2 bands before them and they didn't play to around 1am. Then we all went out to "The Old Swiss Inn" for post concert drunk comfort food. We rolled into the house about 2:45pm with bellies full of beer. Special recognition goes to Don Arturo for hanging with the young bucks.

Tito Nard and Tita Nina had never been to any of Tinchu's live shows because he plays so late. They made sure to see his last show bc they were leaving with him for Boston in 2 days and didn't have to work. Tito Nards was joking about being old and it being ages since he'd been to a concert. He was saying he should "bring some grass" since it was a concert and did his best to comb his hair like Justin Beber. That should explain the insinuating hand gesture in the picture. Tinchu's band was really good. They were like Jamiroqual.

The next day we all slept in but it was Mason boy who seemed to need the most rest. Here he is is his standard stroller pose taking a nooner.

Mason loves balls and this one caught his eye. But he seemed a little intimidated by it's size. He would get close but was scared to touch it. And on the right he does his Wizard Merlin impression from King Aurthur.

DanDan had her birthday just a few days after me. Mason seemed more excited to wish her a happy birthday than when it was my birthday. Smart boy!

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